moldybluecheesecurds 2

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Science - always learning new things

Most folks understand that sleep deprivation can increasestress and anxiety and decrease physical performance. But apparently, so can sleeping. In the minutes just after waking up, even from eight hours of rest, volunteers on a sleep study "have more impaired thinking and memory skills than someone kept awake for 24 hours -- equivalent to being drunk."

While I can't say I'm surprised, having earned a fair share of bruised shins moving from bedroom to bathroom in the morning, I guess it's nice to have scientists quantifying all of this. Plus, now you have something to tell the officer when you get pulled over. "I'm sorry, officer, I just woke up. Just give me a few miles and it'll wear off."

In other news, scientists have also discovered how bees fly. Ahh, science. Always learning.

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