moldybluecheesecurds 2

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Less purity, more spunk

Minnesota Democrats, called the Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party for the past 60 years have finally figured out that winning is more important than purity. For years, candidates have been damned by the party for running in the primary after the endorsement process. This year, the floodgates have opened and candidates in state races across the board are planning to take their case to the general public in the fall.

Basically, the promise to abide by the endorsement was just a stupid purity test. If the endorsement is really worth something, then it should carry a candidate through the primary. It hasn't, nor has it helped the DFL do well in general elections. There hasn't been a DFL governor in Minnesota since 1990. It's time for a little less purity.

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