moldybluecheesecurds 2

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Winter in the midwest: to hat or freeze?

Writing on a topic he's much more capable of than basic economics, the Chicago Tribune's Steve Chapman examines the winter hat dilemma: freeze fashionably or be a warm dork?


Anonymous said...

I used to play d&d. I knew that made me a dork and was fine with that. If I see somebody else playing d&d, I recognize that it makes them look like a dork.

On the other hand, I see people wearing hats every day, and I can't remember ever thinking "that hat makes them look like a dork" (except possibly when my roommate wears his farmer hat). So when this author writes "in our time, it is impossible to wear a hat without looking like a dork", I have no idea what he is talking about. It's not only that I reject it, I can't even find the part of me that is aware of the notion. Hats are such a good idea as to be obvious, and I'm pissed off that this article exists.

KLOU said...

Anywhere, but MN it is a major dilemma. When I lived in Milwaukee, I got the funniest looks while wearing my winter hat.