moldybluecheesecurds 2

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ne'er a feeling so manly

I'm not a plumber. In fact, aside from the occasional chain-in-the-toilet-tank detangling, my best plumbing experience prior to yesterday was Super Mario Bros. 3.

But then it started. *drip* The faucet had never presented a problem before. *drip* But now turning off the water really just meant *drip* starting the auxiliary water service. *drip*

The problem wasn't just the *drip* dripping, but that the rate seemed to *drip* be increasing. *drip* Pretty soon *drip* you could fill *drip* a pint glass *drip* in under an hour *drip* with the water *drip* off. *drip* *drip*

So I finally *drip* called the pfaucet company *drip*, because they *drip* have a lifetime guarantee *drip*. Without argument, *drip* they sent two replacement *drip* parts that arrived *drip* yesterday. *drip* *drip* *drip*

In about five minutes, I successfully replaced the cartridge thing, finally stopping the incessant dripping and more than doubling my plumbing experience. Eat your heart out, Mario, a new plumber is in town!

1 comment:

Bre said...

Nice. The part the impresses me the most, actually, is that you (or more likely your fabulous fiancee) managed to locate your info on the faucet.