moldybluecheesecurds 2

Monday, May 09, 2005

The spirituality of recycling

There's something cathartic about recycling. I just put nearly a ream of paper back in the re-use economy. It starts in the plastic bin by the copier, proceeds to a larger bin on the custodial cart, to a large metal container on the loading dock. Sometime this week, that pile of useless readings will be transported to a recycling facility, re-pulped, and re-produced. Will it be a new TPS Report? A print ad for cialis? The Sunday Times crossword? All of the above?

Of course, I could have simply trashed that ream. It could have started just three feet away in a waste bin and finished in a buried pit where decomposition is so constrained by lack of light and air that the print on the pages would likely last longer than my entire life.

Maybe recycling should be an article of the Hindu religion. After all, recycling is sort of a karmic invigorator. I suppose Christians can be reborn as well (on earth if you believe the born-again lot). Do people who attend religious services more often recycle more?

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