moldybluecheesecurds 2

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Blowing a hole in the world's nuclear non-proliferation regime

Several weeks ago, the Bush administration proudly announced a deal to offer civilian nuclear assistance to India. While the aid itself is unremarkable, it is precedent-setting because until now, a country had to renounce nuclear weapons in order to receive civilian technological assistance and materials. No more.

The US is the first nuclear-powered nation to open the door to proliferation by signing a deal with India allowing the transference of nuclear technology. While the President has indicated that some safeguards will be in place, the Economist notes that there's no real way to keep the technology from being co-opted into India's active nuclear weapons program. In particular, India's shortage of high-grade uranium for bomb-making might be a problem of the past, as they would be able to divert uranium intended for civilian use into bombs.

I can't see how this is a good move in a region where two nuclear powers (Pakistan and India) are regularly practicing brinkmanship.

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