Welcome (and Welcome Back) to FiveThirtyEight - NYTimes.com: "Instead, there seems to be something about politics that can make the rational parts of the brain turn off. FiveThirtyEight was designed to be the antidote to that. For readers just becoming acquainted with FiveThirtyEight, the blog is devoted to the rational analysis of politics, and sometimes other data-rich subjects. In Congressional and presidential elections — for which there is a lot of high-quality data available — this will sometimes take the form of quite explicit forecasts, like Harry Reid having a 42 percent chance of keeping his seat in Nevada (hypothetically) or the Republicans having a 20 percent chance of winning the Senate (again, hypothetically). In other cases, it simply means trying to prioritize objective information over subjective information in dealing with issues in the news."
This blog debuted during the 2008 elections and is the most coherent, fact-based election analysis you can get. Read it. Daily.