moldybluecheesecurds 2

Monday, November 06, 2006

Another new lightbulb

While not precisely new, as it has seen extensive use in traffic lights, the light-emitting diode (LED) is poised to become economic enough to replace the standard incandescent light bulb. Although still cost-prohibitive in comparison, LEDs even put compact fluorescents (CFLs) to shame as they last 10 times longer than CFLs and 133 times longer than incandescents. However, depending on the application, their efficiency can range from 1-10 times as much as incandescents (LEDs are better at spotlighting than lighting an area). In other words, it's questionable if an overhead fixture would be more efficient with a CFL or an LED. Either way, there's no way you should still be using a regular lightbulb when 90% of its output is heat.

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