Thursday, December 15, 2005

Nothing says Merry Christmas like a plasma TV

Lacking sufficient time and energy to report on real news, the 24 hour filler folks have been reporting on a "controversy" between "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays." Apparently, hordes of WWJD-bracelet-wearing maniacs are put off when the Wal-Mart clerk says Happy Holidays. There's even a bill in the state legislature in Georgia to save this right to say Merry Christmas.

Much like early Christians, these folks are suffering, for many reasons:
  • The tree in the town square is called a holiday tree
  • They are wished a happy holiday
  • Their government can't say "Merry Christmas" to Jews and Muslims
  • They are invited to holiday parties
To hear them report it, these terrifying acts are a "violation of rights," "religious persecution," and "an offense against the majority."

Sarcasm aside, the irony is that Christmas is supposed to be the celebration of the coming of Christ, the savior to Christians around the world. It's supposed to celebrate the potential for salvation, but also the good works that Jesus did. Instead of spreading the real message of Christmas, these religious nuts are complaining that the very people who have tranformed their holy day into a crass commercial enterprise won't say Merry Christmas.

Because nothing says "peace on earth and goodwill toward all" like having the Wal-Mart clerk "Merry Christmas" you as he loads the 42" plasma TV into your trunk.

The good Father Neal put it well:
“Even Christianity has moved away from some of Jesus' real teachings...The way we deal with Christmas, in this culture with the chaotic schedules and the kind of gift giving we get involved with, perhaps the deeper question is let's bring Christ back into Christianity rather than worry about Christ back into Christmas.”

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